
ula sub-committee on structures asks for input from the membership

Will be interesting to see what response this engenders – something of an indicator of how real, or otherwise, the non-aligned component of the ula actually is.

United Left Alliance
Sub-committee on Structures

Dear ULA Member/Supporter

The United Left Alliance has been in existence now for over one year. In that time progress has been made in building the Alliance around the country. Our members have been playing a leading role in developing the opposition to the austerity policies of the government.

As the Alliance has developed the Steering Committee has been discussing the development of structures which would take account of the fact that the ULA is an alliance of the three founding groups, People Before Profit, Socialist Party and Workers and Unemployed Action Group, but also has new members who are not members of these groups.

A subcommittee has been established with the following terms of reference:

A) Recommend interim arrangements for representation of unaligned members on the Steering Committee;

B) Discuss future development of the ULA including the development of participative structures;

C) To consult all members on the above issues;

D) Report to Steering Committee who will report to conference. The report for the Steering Committee to Conference will include the recommendations of the sub-committee.

The sub-committee is composed of four non-aligned members and representatives of the founding organisations and had its first meeting on Saturday March 10th. It will meet again on March 25th. There will be further meetings before the ULA Conference.

In light of the terms of reference, particularly C , we are now seeking the views of members and branches.

It has already been agreed that the ULA Conference will take place on April 28th. It has also been agreed that two nonaligned members of the ULA will be elected to the Steering Committee at the Conference.

The sub-committee would hope to be able to present proposals relating to its work to the Conference.

Your ideas and suggestions are very welcome and should be sent to unitedleftalliance@gmail.com as soon as possible.

Feel free to contact us if you have any queries in relation to the work of the sub-committee.

In solidarity

Eddie Conlon
For the ULA Sub Committee on structures

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